Having a major issue with Mobile Suit gundam Online. Tried launching the game normally through the Bandai Namco launcher, but every time I try launching the game, it gives me the same error:
is there something I’m doing wrong> I have set my region+timezone to japan but still comes up with same error. setup:
It seems I need to figure out the fundamental issue on your environment. Did you try to use Full VPN mode for testing purpose? I’m not sure it’s caused by CDN network or item problem because some game server IP range are missed.
ttps://gyazo.com/788d06bc7555e6d5785e0ea30810484e is this correct setup?? I only started using it a few days ago and I am still unsure if it has been setup correctly. set my timezone and region on my laptop settings to japan just to eliminate that.
All I get when I try to add the ./data is this
and it will not allow me.
it still comes up with the same error. wont let me do the adding of the ./data still. am i doing something wrong??
The game has a BNO lancher, you don’t need to crete any shortcut. Use that launcher.
I think what eihtycs suggested you do above is tying : D:\MyGames\GundamOnline\GundamOnline.exe ./data
" ./data"
You missed the space bar before the ./data
the resolution issue is not fixed, yet I have it set at 1920 X 1080 now. which is why it is giving me the same error.
just to confirm, Have you set your system locale?
reset the true system locale. turns out it didnt change its main,
Im also using Windows 10.
As for changing system locale, Using w10 search function you can type in “region” or find the application region through control panel. Navigate through the little tabs that will appear at the top to the “Administrative” tab. The options for changing your system locale will appear within there.
Just looked at the SS provided, in the tab next to the tab you we’re in “administrative” is what you’re looking for to change system locale.
Sorry for not explaining the dump file in details. You will first need to download msgo’s error reporter and launch it, then launch the msgo launcher and the dump file should appear within installed location for "error reporter.
the below link is an msgo offical app and is safe.
Hope this helps.
Issue resolved. thanks for the hand lads, I appreciate it. Able to connect fine, only thing now is my connection to the game. got into the first match I have been in for a while and got disconnected halfway (had some lag forehand). Chances are that is due to my internet and broadband speeds though (I live in a rural area, with the actual hub being over 3 miles away in another village). I once again express my thanks to everyone who helped me!
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