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Hi, when will Mudfish support Rocket League? Additionally, how can I check if Mudfish is working? I’m playing on Final Fantasy XIV and it that game has no built in way to check if I get any improvements.

If you get a chance, you can send me the Rocket League game server information with referring Packet Capture with Mudfish link. :slight_smile: After analyzing the dump, I can add it officially for you.

Unfortunately at mudfish there is no convenient way to know about current RTT. Please check How to check my ping link about possible ways.

Hi, whenever I try to upload the packet dump, it gives me this error

Ooops. It seems there are internal error while processing your packet dump file. When this error happens, you can find the packet dump file “mudfish_pcap_msk0.pcap” at your Mudfish installation directory (Normallt it’s C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN\). So you can send it to manually. Sorry for this inconvenience and will try to find a fundamental reason of this issue.

Thank you! I’d added the game item for Rocket League. I’m not sure it’s working with current routing table of game item. Please test with it and let me know whether it’s working.

However it seems the packet dump is very interesting because

1. Its hosting is based on Vultr Holdings, LLC. It’s one of major VPS service company.

2. And all game servers are served by Vultr Holdings, LLC though its server location is different. For example, on your packet dump, one is from Japan, one is from New York and one is from Europe.

3. Game client is communicating with multiple region’s game servers simultaneously.

Yeah that is what I meant when I said it has a lot of different servers. I’m not sure how we can cover all of them without dynamically detecting where the game connects upon the start of the match. Do you have any suggestions regarding that?

In my humble opinion, it’d not be an issue because at some point the game item would cover all Vultr Holdings, LLC IP ranges and in a view of game publisher they’d have limited game server resources too. If you feel that there are something missed on game item, just let me know about IP address or send me the packet dump. I can handle it for you.

Also, can you add a button on game server selection window like this?

Sure, I’d created a task ticket for your request so when I get a spare time I’ll try to implement. However I’m not sure that its connection information are easiliy extracted from UDP based game client. (TCP based game client is easy one to show the established connection.)

Thank you for creative opinions!

Hi! First of all, sorry for late reply. I got busy with some real life stuff.

> As you might know, catching the connection from game client dynamically isn’t easy one unless there are any kind of API hooks involved. And without hooking mechanism, it’s almost impossible to sync the routing table entries between host OS and Mudfish. :frowning:

Aww, I’m not knowledgeable in terms of networking so may probably need to do some experimentation with WinPCap or something.

> Oh… It seems I misunderstood your feature request. In a view of Mudfish, each items include several information such as the routing table entries, RTT check method and etc. Do you mean that when the user clicks ‘View Server IPs’, it simply shows the routing table information of game item? I thought that you’re requesting a snapshot of TCP / UDP connections on your host OS. If then, I can add the feature without heavy modification. :-

Yup! That’s exactly what I mean, just show the routing table information for the game. That way, we can easily look if you already have the IP for a new server in a game or not. And it will also allow us to do our own ping tests using the IPs found there. :slight_smile:

Thank you for sending this problem report. :-) However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.

:-) 환불 처리해 드렸습니다.