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hello, did this game cover Blade and Soul NA release today ? i need better ping … if it help please let me know more detail

Sorry for my belated response. If I know correctly, the game item of Mudfish should cover Blade and Soul NA (North America) too. And please don’t forgot to enable FastConnect mode (used to maximize the spell speed). :slight_smile:

oh really, i thought need another launcher , ok thank you for helping

Hello , Do you know the best way of setting connection low ping ms , i play BNS at US Texas Dallas … which connection is better … help me at setting

Ummm. Sadly there is no a easy answer to this question. Picking a best mudfish node could be diffcult because depending on your ISP, internation lines or game server’s ISP. Please refer to FAQ - Nodes page to know how to pick a node briefly.

음… 혹시 Full VPN 모드 로 세팅하셔도 같은 증상이신지 한번 체크해 주실 수 있으신지요?  

음…풀모드로 하니 인터넷자체가 먹통이 되는데요…

인터넷도 먹통이고 게임도 그대로 안되네요…

full모드일때 프로토콜로 바꿔서 해봣는데 MUDEC_00314이런 에러가 뜨네요 찾아봐도 없는에런데…어떻게 해야하나요?

아직 정식 릴리즈가 되지 않은 버전이긴 한데 에 가시면 v4.4.1 버전이 있으실 것입니다.  혹시 해당 버전으로도 같은 증상이 나타나는지 한번 확인 부탁드리겠습니다.