hello, did this game cover Blade and Soul NA release today ? i need better ping … if it help please let me know more detail
Sorry for my belated response. If I know correctly, the game item of Mudfish should cover Blade and Soul NA (North America) too. And please don’t forgot to enable FastConnect mode (used to maximize the spell speed).
oh really, i thought need another launcher , ok thank you for helping
Hello , Do you know the best way of setting connection low ping ms , i play BNS at US Texas Dallas … which connection is better … help me at setting
Ummm. Sadly there is no a easy answer to this question. Picking a best mudfish node could be diffcult because depending on your ISP, internation lines or game server’s ISP. Please refer to FAQ - Nodes page to know how to pick a node briefly.
음…풀모드로 하니 인터넷자체가 먹통이 되는데요…
인터넷도 먹통이고 게임도 그대로 안되네요…
아직 정식 릴리즈가 되지 않은 버전이긴 한데 http://mudfish.net/releases/ 에 가시면 v4.4.1 버전이 있으실 것입니다. 혹시 해당 버전으로도 같은 증상이 나타나는지 한번 확인 부탁드리겠습니다.