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i need help playing bless online .it looks like i did not install the app lol lets see if now i can play bless ill tell you if it work

It looks like that Mudfish isn’t working correctly on your environment because I can’t see any traffics to Mudfish nodes on your account information. Please verify that the basic functionality of Mudfish is working for you using Quckstart document.

If it’s not still solved, please send me Problem Report if you don’t mind. :slight_smile:

from were do i start the bless game because when i tried to start it from the bless web site it gives me the need to be in the republic of Korea message

do i go to bless web site or do i play from here ?

Counter-Strike:Global Offensive (5ewin) 중국 ShenZhen 지역 패킷 덤프  
1분 30초 정도 했습니다. 처음 해보는 거라 맞게 한 건지 잘 모르겠네요 :]  

언제나 고생하십니다유 ㅠ 추가해주시면 감사하겟습니당

Thank you alot!

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