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I am playing blade & soul (NA). I managed to play using mudfish on my first attempt. Later onwards, whenever i try to log into the game using mudfish, i always got stuck in the loading screen after character selection. Changing nodes did not solve this problem. I am not sure what’s causing this problem.

I’m not sure what problem is here yet. According to your configuration, you’re using Full VPN mode with “US Central (Dallas, TX - HudsonValley)”. Is it helpful if you’re changed to Full VPN mode?

i may have solved this… i changed the nodes of the full vpn mode to be the same as the nodes im using in my items… i am able to get in-game now… gonna see if the prob occurs again later…thank you for your help

When the connection is aborted, are there other symptoms on your system? For example, you encounter all internet connection got a hang or etc.

To narrow down this problem, please try to change the connection protocol from UDP to TCP found under “Setup -> Program” menu for a while. Then please monitor that this issue happens again though its performance would be lower than UDP protocol. If it happens again, check a core log found at “Status -> Process” menu whether there are any error messages on it.

okay…i will see how this goes first

Strange. When I heard your issue, I though it seems it might be caused by MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) issue but I can’t find any error messages regarding to packet size on mudfish logs. It seems it’s not that case.

Okay. Please let me know if it happens again. :slight_smile:

From where?  Do you want to check that it got timeouted from game server? Or from mudfish node?  

yes from game server.

My roommate n me play Tree of Savior together. He use WTFast n I use mudfish. I got a lot of freeze (seems like timeout issue) since he play smoothly.It cant be server problem and cant be our home internet problem, coz we are in same environment. All I can wonder is that the node of mudfish that I connect got timeout problem.I have tried some different node, but same problem. May I know how to check node if it got timeout?

If it’s from game client, we can’t see that it’s caused by timeout or other reasons unless the game client doesn’t tell verbose messages.  
If you’re accessing the game server at Singapore you should see FAQ - Nodes link first to pick a better node.  At least SG Asia (Singapore - Linode) node is best one you can use.  Did you try to use it?