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Hi. I’m a CS:GO Player from Istanbul/TURKEY. I choose the Istanbul node in the CS:GO Item but my ping is still around 120-130. It should be 50-60 for a player to play smooth enough. Any thoughts ?

Which game server are you accessing? I’m not sure it’s officially one of supported game location.

Did you try to use Full VPN mode for testing purpose?

I’m accessing Singapore Faceit because there is no EU servers listed. I choose the Istanbul node. Still I’m getting used to your service and dont know how it works exactly. Can you tell me a bit about it ?

Please read documents possible if you have a spare time. It’d answer most of your questions. However in short words, if you can’t find a EU server on CS:GO game item, it means it’s not supported by Mudfish yet because normally Mudfish doesn’t do anything unlesss it’s supported the game location. So you should do one of methods mentioned at Unsupported Games document.

> As a guess there should be an EU CS:GO server for me to choose and I choose it and the Istanbul node. Then all set and ready to go. But as I said there is no EU servers listed. I see only Asia(Japan, Singapore, Taiwan etc.) and US West servers which are both very far away from Istanbul. I think that’s the explanation of my ping.
> I didn’t try the Full VPN btw.

IMO you should try Full VPN mode for testing purpose whether there is a difference before and after. :slight_smile:

스팀에 올라와있는 다크에덴 입니다… 아시아 ip는 차단되있어서 북미쪽으로 하니까 되네요 … 현재 풀 vpn쓰고있는데… 음악 스트리밍 사이트도 우회가 되서그런지 버퍼링이 걸려서요 ㅋㅋ;;;아이템 추가부탁드립니다.

:-) 아닙니다.  문제없으시다니 다행입니다.  혹시 사용하시면서 이슈있으시면 언제든지 말씀해 주세요.  

종량제를 정약제로 바꿀수없나요?

가능합니다. :-) 요금제 링크를 참고 바랍니다.  

ㅠ.ㅠ 저런… 혹시 해당 파일을 다른 곳으로 옮겨서 시도해 보셨는지요? 간혹 폴더 이름에 한글 / 공백 / 특수 문자가 있을 경우 실패가 날 수 있습니다.

처리해 드린 것으로 보입니다. :slight_smile: 확인해보시고 문제가 있으시면 언제든지 답글 부탁드립니다.

win2016.iso 로 변경하고 c:\ 로 옮겨서 시도해봤는데도 안되네요 ㅜㅜ

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