Something just happened? Suddenly all your nodes giving me 2x 3x ms. I get way better ms without Mudfish…please check.
Back to normal now…
Its been 3 days now, all your Singapore and Malaysia nodes gone mad, ping x3 x5, totally not usable. Any idea when things will be back to normal?
At least I don’t think there is a problem between your ISP and SG mudfish nodes. However as you know you’re accessing to Europe (France - Warmane), please make sure that international lines are stable using before picking a mudfish node. For example, looks pretty bad.
Yes, it is worst than basic setting. Unless I’ve missed something, but i tried almost all viable setup all gave me similar result around 300-400 ms, whilst the basic setting got me 200-240 ms. Just for your info, full VPN get me around 290ms.
For example, SG SecureAZ 2 - DE DigitalOcean 2 on the paper stated 188 ms but when i set it up, my game be running at 300-400 ms. And this occur to all setups listed on the table.
Mudfish is getting very unstable, I used to have good ping around 195-215 ms regularly through-out my first month of subscription…but beginning the 4th week, i been experiencing sudden increase of ping to 300-400 ms and worst still. it tend to persist for 2-4 days. Now I’ve been playing on this state on the weekly basis, 3-4 good days and 3-4 bad days. I really wonder if I should continue 3th month on this or look for another option.
Pingplotter result, somehow the latency jump from 2 ip right before the node under (it keep changing ip).
Pardon me, but I do not understand what is going on. So you mean this is caused by my game relocation?
First sorry for my poor explaination. Because you’re tested against, it’s not one registered at game item at least. It means even if you’re running mudfish, its traffic wouldn’t go through mudfish node because it’s not registered.
Please check whether it’s relocated or not. Or please try to test against IP using pingplotter because IIRC it’s game server IP.
> If the the ip address switch to new one which isnt register to mudfish game item, why am I still connected?
It seems game server isn’t relocated yet. Rather than that your test IP was wrong for pingplotter.
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