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Got League of Legends in my items, selected my server, selected the node (Tried both chicago ones), saved, turned on, and launched the game, yet it doesnt seem to be doing anything

Thank you, I managed to fix the issue :slight_smile:

Cool! :slight_smile: If there are other issues to play with mudfish, please let me know.

if I watch a stream while playing League with mudfish, will the stream use the data from my credit or only league?

In fact, most of them seem to jitter a fair bit, they tend to bounce between 110-200~ ping somewhat frequently and it throws me off my game a bit :c

I have, and used it as a guidelines, I was more so asking in case you had any personal experience with the nodes since the Chicago server move, but I shall look into it with more detail, thanks

Makes sense. What exactly is the process of obtaining and adding more nodes out of curiosity?

음… 이 문제점 보고서를 보니, MUDEC_00044 와 MUDEC_00045 오류가 나오는 것이 보이는데 혹시 이 오류 링크 문서를 살펴보신 후 해결책 방법을 시도해 보셨는지요?  

Thank you for sending this problem report. :-) However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.   

Sorry there’s some problem with mudfish on android cause i can’t the protocol udp to tcp and the node wont change either  

Can i ask about mudfish league of legends NA. Well I’m from Philippines and I played NA server so i have 250 - 300 ping if ever I add LoL NA in to my items. Can mudfish improve my ping / delay in the game?

My answer is yes or no. :slight_smile: Without testing, I can’t guarantee that it works well for you.

패킷 덤프 보내주셔서 감사합니다. :slight_smile: 제가 아이템 업데이트를 해보았는데 한번 테스트 부탁드리겠습니다. 시도해 보시고 여전히 제대로 동작을 하지 않는다면 말씀해 주세요.

만약 원하시는 게임 혹은 게임 서버가 미꾸라지에서 보이지 않을 경우, 미지원 게임 적용 방법 중 하나를 이용하여 시도를 하셔야 합니다. 혹은 정식 등록을 원하신다면 해당 링크의 내용에 나와 있는 패킷 덤프 방법으로 덤프 보내주시면 제가 분석 후 등록해 드릴 수 있습니다.