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Something weird is happening with the CA East (Montreal - LunaNode). I’m pinging 90 when it is usually 15.

Yeah, still pinging on the 90s. I’m using the CA East (Montreal OHV 2) for the moment.

If there’s anything I can do, let me know !

:slight_smile: Unfortunately I don’t think you can change this issue. Even if you complain this issue to your ISP, its representives can’t understand your issue or its answer might be “I got it but take several months”.

There is no specific period to expand new nodes to CA; normally it happens when I found a fair deal to lease servers. However it seems currently you’re using “CA East (Montreal - OVH 2)”. Are you still encountering this ping issue?

I’m just being over worried, it’s not that big of a deal :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Okay. Thank you for update. I’ll try to find more Montreal nodes when I get a chance and hope it’ll be added soon.

ㅠ.ㅠ 불행하게도 iOS 는 아직 제대로 된 지원을 해드리지 못하고 있습니다. 흑흑흑…  워낙 내공이 부족하다 보니 아직도 못하고 있는데요.  시간되는대로 계속 작업해 보겠습니다.  
> 그리고 안드로이드폰의 경우에는 pooq앱 사용 가능한지도 궁금합니다.사용 가능하다면 안드로이드폰을 하나 구입해서 사용할까 고민 중이거든요.   
음… 안드로이드 앱의 경우 일반 VPN 처럼 동작을 하기 때문에 pooq 앱에도 제대로 적용이 되어야 합니다.  또한 Per-App VPN 기능도 있기 때문에, 제 판단이 맞다면 pooq 앱만 미꾸라지를 적용하여 사용하실 수 있으실 것입니다.  
> 조금 늦었지만 새해 복 많이 받으시구요. 답변 부탁드립니다. :)      
:-) 감사합니다.  새해 복 많이 받으세요.  

I cant log in to the main page of mudfish. So I cant start to use mudfish. IDK why.

It just shows that couldn’t find the page, please refresh…

Are you meaning that How to check the basic functionality doesn’t work?

When I checked this problem report, I can’t see mudfish.exe (core process) running. Could you please check the following processes are running when you log in?

  • mudfish.exe
  • mudflow.exe
  • mudrun.exe