I installed the latest mudfish version, now I can’t log in. whenever i logged in it will put me to succesfully log out, I can’t use vesion 4.3.7 at the moment
It means that you can’t access to mudfish master server properly due to network firewall. Please check Firewall Issues link then try some workarounds.
Okay. Please test with it and let me know if there are still problems.
I’d created “MU Online” item and registered your server location. Can I know the web site of private server? I’d like to know its server name.
Please equip and check RTT information available at game item configuration menu. I can see more information from them such as RTT information and shortest pathes.
Hey man,thank you alot for trying to help me :)it’s just prove and show how good is your support like my friend told me :Di hope you will success to help me,so i can stay here and leave wtfast.
about server here the information,just dont add it to public pleasebecause they will block it…they already want block pingzapper…
this is the site:http://openmu.com/en/
this is the ip of the server when i’m doing netstat -n: [Hosted OVH France]
when i’m registering the server,i dont understand what i need to write inRouting Path ?
which one ?
and on the RTTIPV4 ADRESS = SERVER IP ?AND WHAT TO TYPE IN THE other box at RTT check, where u see [ asia south korea]
and after u replay and tell me which prefix to put,i will add the item and will test the RTT so you can get more information
thanks again
I think form is most general one. In a case of RTT, please note that this test is based on ICMP protocol (Echo / Echo Reply) so you can put your game server IP to see RTT information but it should be a server which is pingable.
Not sure why at this moment. Could you please connfirm that your issue is even happening with TCP based protocol by changing Connection Protocols?
Yes this happens on TCP port too,i also tried all the ports 500,50000 etc[in both tcp+udp]…and it’s still happening…
and about tcp,i dont use it…because if i use TCP and not UDPi have big delays in game…
Both tested only with Fastconnect modebecause without…same problembig delays
이 부분이 살짝 이슈인데요, 일단 게임 클라이언트가 일본 게임 서버를 픽(?)하게 하는게 관건인데, 한국 중계 서버를 사용할 경우 IP 가 한국이라 일본쪽으로 픽이 되지 않는 것으로 알고 있습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ
I did and had to change the data value from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet in ‘Regedit’, from “Firefox.exe” to “Google Chrome”. This appears to have fixed the issue.
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.
I think is good to go.