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All three games that I connected up with are indicating 0 Realtime RTT values while Realtime Traffic is working fine.
Is there something wrong with my connection?

funnily enough, after I changed Basic Mode’s Node from specific server to Auto Selection,Realtime RTT seems to be working again.
Though I think Auto Selecting the node made the overall connection really slow.

:slight_smile: It’s a known issue at v4.3.15 if FastConnect mode turned on. I hope it’ll be solved sooner or later. If you’d like to see exact RTT graph, as workaround you should disable FastConnect mode.

> Though I think Auto Selecting the node made the overall connection really slow.

Yes it’s also one of high prority task at next release. :frowning: At this moment it takes more times whenever no. of mudfish nodes are increased.

I see, thanks for the quick reply.
Basically I should disable FastConnect mode, and always choose a specific Server Location (instead of Auto Selection) in Basic Mode for optimal performance.

Excuse me for asking more (and longer) questions:

1. In [Basic Mode -> Magnifier -> All-In-One], I noticed how the RTT values of the same server of the same item would spike up to 100ms. The strange thing is that the graph itself doesn’t change its shape; from what I know, the values of RTT Graph should NOT change since they are the records of the past values. Though the values would always return to normal a bit later, I find this situation confusing to manage as it would momentarily raise my selected Node’s ‘Score’ value to extreme forcing me to reselect a Node everytime it happens.
I’m anxious whether if this is impacting my Mudfish experience or not.

2. I’m currently choosing the optimal RTT Server Location by constantly looking for servers with lowest scores in [Basic Mode -> Magnifier -> All-In-One]. From among the top 5, I would choose a server with the least (+stable) amount of: RTT fluctuations, Traffics and System Load. Are these methods appropriate for the best Mudfish performance?

3. I’m wondering whether choosing a Server Location geographically closer to selected item’s Game Server Location impacts Mudifsh performance by an unforeseen amount or not.


:-( You should turn Full VPN mode on whenever you do the packet dump based on Mudfish.  However if you’re familiar with Wireshark, you can do it without Full VPN mode.  

Hi loxch, I’ve sent an email with a Wireshark capture.

Updated!  :-) Please test it again! Really appreciate your help  

Hi again loxch! I’ve encountered a very rare game now that had high ping. Sent you another packet capture with Wireshark. Thanks in advanced :D

패킷 덤프 보내주셔서 감사합니다. :slight_smile: 제가 보내주신 덤프를 기반으로 아이템 ‘검은사막M’ 을 만들어 보았는데, 한번 테스트 부탁드리겠습니다. 시도해 보시고 여전히 제대로 동작을 하지 않는다면 말씀해 주세요.

Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To add new game server, I need some game packets to analyze. Meanwhile please check Unsupported Games section how to apply mudfish for unsupported games.

음… 이럴 경우, “VN Asia (Vietnam - Viettel) 서버” 중계 서버를 기본 모드로 잡고 하셔도 같은 증상이 발생되시는지 테스트 해보실 수 있으신가요?

먼가 MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) 이슈인지 확인히 필요해 보입니다.