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Why is everything lagging right now?
AU Oceania (Sydney - Equinix) UP 255 255 256
AU Oceania (Sydney - HostHatch) UP 204 204 204
AU Oceania (Sydney - Vultr) UP 270 274 278
They are usually around 170.
My ping is better without mudfish right now -.-.

Could you please explain about how you get this information? I’m not sure what 255, 204, 207 and etc numbers represent.

ok, so it says I should be able to get less than 140ms but the problem comes from your aus node routing?

Nothing you can do?
When I use the JP node I can get ~180ms… but not as good as 140.

This is weird, First those 3 Aus nodes ping goes up, and I started using that path Aus > JP Amazon EC2 and it was giving me 140ms. Then yesterday the Aus Amazon node started to give me 200+ ping. So I use JP Asia (Tokyo - TinMok 2) only. It was giving me 180ms last night, then randomly all JP nodes started giving me 250+. Tonight JP TinMok 2 is giving me ~180ms again. It’s annoying when I start lagging and I have to try lots of different nodes, Hong Kong, SIngapore, Taiwan. To see which one will give me 10 ms better.

Yes it’d be one of trade offs you should choose. And you should check the network status with pingplotter because its network status could change without any notification by ISP or ISP’s status.

Tonight Aus Amazon > JP Amazon is giving me 140ms again haha.

One more thing, If I have Fuil VPN mode off, then I can torrent and it does not use my credit?

Thank you for sending this problem report. :-) However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.   

혹시 중계 서버를 변경하여 시도해 보시거나 혹은 FastConnect 모드를 Off 하여 시도해 보셨는지요?  

ㅠ.ㅠ 이 부분은 제가 확답을 드리기 힘들어 보이는데요, PC방 관련 링크를 참조 바랍니다.  

패킷 덤프 보내주셔서 감사합니다. :slight_smile: 제가 아이템 업데이트를 해보았는데 한번 테스트 부탁드리겠습니다. 시도해 보시고 여전히 제대로 동작을 하지 않는다면 말씀해 주세요.

:slight_smile: Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.

Weird… Could you please test it again? I’d updated the game item based on this dump.

I test abit.
sometimes i can get online.
but only when i go into certain channel in game .
will lose connection (like the picture).


Please test it again. Today I’d updated the game item again.

thx~! , no problem now.