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Mudfish Realtime RTT to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn North America is reporting 3000 RTT, and it’s not moving from there. ANyone else experiencing this?

Did you try to change the game configuration with other mudfish node? I’m not sure this issue is caused by mudfish node itself or on your system. And please see Quckstart link to check whether the basic functionality of mudfish is working correctly.

I did change the node to another and it stayed at 3,000. The thing is that for the other game that I play (Blade and Soul NA) it shows 50.
To make sure that the connection was working, I started the FFXIV client and things did not seem to be laggy. So I thought “maybe the connections are not going through Mudfish!”, so I closed Mudfish and the game Disconnected.
Not sure what’s wrong, but the game -is- working with Mudfish but the graph says that the RTT is still at 3,000.
Any thougths?

Weird. Could you please check it again? I’d found a issue of RTT checking at mudfish side but not sure it’s working now for you.

Sorry, I did not know. I think I enabled it before. Should it be off? Here is first screenshot: is second screenshot:

The first screenshot is one used by Mudfish Launcher.  However please note that it doesn’t affects your mudfish credit at all.  Only traffics handled by Mudfish Core affects it.  
However is this problem (GlassWire) handling VPN traffics too?  Mudfish uses TAP-Win32 adapter v9 network adapter to communicate your desktop and mudfish nodes.  I’m not sure I should trust this problem about how accurately calculates these.  Instead of using this problem, please use Wireshark ( to see more detailed insights.  Your program only shows a traffic to mudfish nodes without any other information such as how many bytes are used to each desitnations.  

Sorry for late response. Yes, GlassWire monitors all traffic coming from the device. I will try Wireshark. Thank you.

Thank you for sending this problem report. :slight_smile: However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.

No, using mudfish seems to be fine.

Umm… Which game server did you play at this moment? Unfortunately I can’t find asia one…

i am not sure. i use some japan vpn and just start MatchMaking. when i finish game i upload the file. should i do more then you can upadte asia server?btw most of time i play in japan server. sometime singapore server

Please send me some game packets again using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need to do double check regarding to this issue. With this packet dump, I can’t see the game realted packets.