Are the Mudfish service unstable right? The Montreal Nodes are not working properly. I’m currently using a Toronto node without any issues.
It’s happening again. Same issue, it’s as if I’m playing at 500ms+ on every Node but when I disable mudfish it goes back to normal.
I’m pinging normally to google and on there seem to be no issues on the nodes’ status page either. I’m lagging only in-game and when mudfish is on, regardless of the node I’m using.
EDIT: It fixed itself again, it lasted about half an hour. Very weird.
I’m using it at home. It pings normally with the Nodes’ IPs/google/etc, but I can’t make this one you sent me to work.
Good to hear that it’s caused by your firewall. Then try it again after turning off FastConnect mode. With that it should work. FYI at next package release, this issue should be removed.
Which mudfish node did you use when you performed this test? At hop 3, already packet loss rate was about 15% (huge!). It means there’s some problems to communicate with mudfish node you’d picked. Please check the public IP of mudfish node at and test against to mudfish node’s public IP again to know why this hugh packet loss happens.
However regarding to ping and RTT, it seems find because based on this information you’re currently playing at 48 ms.
I can ping to the game’s server ip with my firewall and fast connect enabled now. The error from before disappeared. However the results are the same.
This might be fixed by upgrade the version to v4.3.18.
> When connected through the 2 Nodes I still get 100% loss on 2 addresses.
Thank you for detailed update from First to Fouth. According to your last images I’d checked, it’s all good. And you can ignore any hops whose packet loss is 100% and it’s safe to be ignored because its routers block ICMP protocol. I think your issue might happen or not based on time. Please try to keep this test when you encounter packet loss issue again.
Thank you for sending this problem report. :-) However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.
음… 혹시 미꾸라지 없이 사용하실 경우 어느 정도 핑에서 게임을 하셨는지요?
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