Noticed a while ago that ping

Noticed a while ago that ping in mudfish can be random at times. Like i can start mudfish and ping be like ~240ms which is close to my direct connection ping and it wont go lower than that untill i restart mudfish. Sometimes it takes a few restarts untill ping is stable ~150ms which is what im aiming for when using mudfish. Is there any other way to “fix” this inconsistency except restarting? Because having to restart 347264327 times a day is really annoying.

Please check my answer at topic.

“ErrorThis topic does not exist.”

Here’s my answer at above topic:

Please unset the list of mudfish nodes to see all mudfish nodes at
‘Setup -> Nodes’ menu. Then please try to change a mudfish node
based on FAQ - Nodes section for your game item. If you’re using the advanced mode, please start with the basic mode.

Doesnt change anything.

was ~150 whole day yesterday. today its suddenly almost the same as my direct connection ping. looks like its time to do 23743724328 restarts again!!

Then could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

Havent tried full vpn yet.

Then please try to test with it and see whether it makes any difference. :slight_smile: