Packet Loss on Valorant singapore server

Hello, im playing from mumbai(India) and i prefer playing on singapore servers. Using the Chennai mudfish node gives me the lowest ping possible but i do get random packet loss spikes. I am attaching the traceroute for all the 4 chennai nodes. Is the problem from my isp to the node or from the node to the gamer server? could you check it out and help me fix the issue?

Thank you for these screenshots. :slight_smile: Unfortunately, these all screenshot points at your home router “Nr 1” there’s a problem. It shows 40 ~ 50 % packet loss is happening at your firster router from PC.

I did mention it to my local isp provider but i was told its normal to get those packet loss at the router gateway only the end route matters here in this case all the chennai nodes at the bottom of each winmtr. If its not normal how do i ask them to fix it? Also is it possible for you to check the routing from Chennai/bangalore nodes from India to SG valorant game server if its possible to see if no packet drops are happening from that side?

I have attached ping test to my router/modem & isp default gateway no rtos

Please check my answer at

I will talk to my local ISP person to fix the packet loss from their side. Also i have a favour, when we use ITEM mode for Valorant Singapore gameserver, what all IPs are involved which your mudfish nodes act ons? could you please list it here

Please check the following link to see the details of Valorant game item in Mudfish:

Thank you.
Also do you know how these 3 IPs are related to valorant sg? I see them in my resource monitor