Path of Exile 2

please add poe2 item thank you


Yes, a proper game item would be nice.

A temporary solution for bettter ping is to add PoE2’s executable .exe as a custom item. I’m using that for now and it seems to be working well. If you need to know which node to use, just equip PoE 1’s game item, and let the list calibrate for the lowest ping and select that as your node for the custom PoE 2’s item.

yes please add

@here Today I’d created “Path of Exile 2” game item but I’m not 100% sure that it’s working properly or not. Please equip the game item and test.

If it doesn’t work, please check Process Capture with Mudfish link and send us some process + IP address informatioin.

hey im stuck at 96% when i try to connect with the server

Is it still the same? If then please send us Problem Report. I need some internal logs to know why it’s happening.

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