Pings to are still not working well.
Pings to are still not working well.
When I checked IP address of, it seems it’s Are you meaning that the ping is high? or timeouted?
> can confirm, the pings are still high. Please fix this soon!
Did you try to send a ping from Command Prompt to this domain? I think you can try to compare the ping value before and after Mudfish.
The pings are to the Garena League of legends servers. with mudfish it usually is 44 ms or so, last couple of days its been 250+. AS of right NOW the pings are back to 40 odd on our usual nodes. im guessing the issue has been resolved.
Cool! :-) but it seems we can’t figure out what was an issue on your environment. However please let me know if this issue happens again.
No problem. I’d changed your data plan to PPT (Pay Per Traffic) and reset your changable date too. If you’d like to change it back I think you can do again.
Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.
Thank you for sending this problem report. However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.
One more question. How can I get the most least ms from a server using VPN?
Can you please let me know the most least ping I can get? Which nodes do I need to put in advance mode? what server and what VPN am I going to use? Thanks!
Please check FAQ - Nodes section when you get a chance. I think most of answers are found at this section.
Can you please let me know the most least ping I can get?
If your internet line is fine to the international line, I think to Japan game server it takes around 80 ms.
Thanks. Let me try back to subscription and let you know if what’s more better. I’m using too much data using PPT.
No problem I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.
Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.
No problem. I’d refunded it now. Thank you for interesting to Somagu service!