play Fantasy Earth Zero ping s

play Fantasy Earth Zero ping so bad

Did you try to change a mudfish node based on FAQ - Nodes section for your game item? If you’re using the advanced mode, please start with the basic mode.

yea Not effective

ping 3000…so bad

In mudfish, 3000 ms ping means there’s a packet loss between mudfish node and your desktop. Please check How to check the basic functionality first whether it’s okay.

my functionality of Mudfish is fine , but ping not stable



JP Asia (Tokyo - Linode IDC) 1~8 don’t play Fantasy Earth Zero

JP server so bad , Please fix as soon as possible

Fantasy Earth: Zero No nodes can usedI Can log in to the web but can’t execute the game

JP Asia Tokyo - Linode 1~8 publisher blocked great majority mudfish japan nodes the only they survive

Umm… Not sure where this ping fluctuation comes from. Please check How to use WinMTR and test to IP if you’re familiar with WinMTR. I guess that it’ll show some clues.

What can i information should provide?

I think you can show me the result of WinMTR testing to above IP.


Thank you for showing the WinMTR result. Yes it seems it’s already bad at hop 2. So it means there’s a problem between your desktop and mudfish node you had picked. To narrow down this issue, please test this again to the public IP of mudfish node you’d picked.

How should I do it?

Please visit link then find a public IP of each mudfish nodes. I think you can test to the mudfish node you’d picked.