Playing Hunt Showdown's US West server from Korea

Two questions:

  1. I noticed Mudfish supports Hunt Showdown. I am trying to see if it’s possible to play from Korea on the Hunt Showdown US West server? If I play without a VPN my ping on US West is 150-180 and very unstable.

  2. Is Mudfish a router-wide VPN, or device specific? That is, if I install Mudfish on my laptop and run it, will it make everyone on my WiFi fall under Mudfish’s VPN, or just my laptop?

Here is my answer:

  1. I’d set a trial credit now for your account. :slight_smile: So I think you can use all mudfish nodes and features for a while. Please let me know if there are any problems and questions. I think som tests show you more detailed results.

  2. As you might know, mudfish supports multiple devices such as PC, Router, Android, iOS and even web browsers. If you just uses mudfish for PC (Desktop) version, it’ll only affect to your laptop only.