Game: Flyff
Server Name: Flyff Iblis
Routing Path:
RTT Check: Asia (Singapore)
IPV4 Address:
IIRC I’d updated the game item based on your information. Please let me know if it doesn’t work properly.
Upon checking, the only Flyff private servers added on mudfish’s pre-made item list are: Mazey flyff, and Eclipse flyff, no Flyff Iblis yet.
Please add Flyff Iblis to your pre-made items so players do not need to make custom items anymore which is complicated.
Oops… Is
Mazey Flyff
a private game server of Flyff? Then I should remove it from our supported game list.
Your Flyff iblis will be found under ‘Flyff’ game item. If “Mazey Flyff” is a private game server of Flyff, it should be moved and under ‘Flyff’ game item in my opinion.
Thanks, I now see Flyff Iblis destination under ‘Flyff’ item but I think your logo is wrong. The current logo the item ‘Flyff’ is using is Eclipse flyff’s logo. Please use the default logo of the game to generalize it.
Eclipse flyff logo:
Default Flyff logo:
@squidoo No problem However do you have any square size of this image? When I checked this image, its size is 212x142. For logo icon, it’ll be best if its size is square.
Thank you. I’d updated the game item now.
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