POE 2 can connect to HK server

Try playing POE2 with mudfish but for reason I can’t connect get in to any instance in HK server ( can log in and can choose character). Ping of Singapore and Japan is very high and unstable as well.

Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, it means there’s something a problem in the game item of Mudfish.

Full VPN mode also not work. Can login into character screen, but get kick out everytime try to get into the game.

@ddhuynh Weird… If possible, could you please test with the following combination?

If it’s even same, please try to change to another mudfish node and test it again.

Tested only TinMok node work even without Full VPN and WFP on (i don’t use fastconnect mode). Almost all other node have the same issue with all of those setting or not.

Umm… Still something is not good. Let me test this game myself. Sorry for this inconvenience.

One more issue, mudfish seem like doesn’t work with JP server at all.

FFXIV ping for compare

@ddhuynh Could you please check this RTT issue to Japan again? I checked it and updated the game item to fix this issue.

it’s working.

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