Problems with deleting equipped item on the dashboard

Hello. I seem to be unable to delete one of the items on my dashboard. When clicking the gear icon, I’m redirected to the edit page, but the loading icon won’t disappear and I’m unable to click anything on the page. It’s been stuck like that for a week or so. Could you guys delete all of the items, please? Thanks.

@tomitraincross Is this issue still same? When I checked your configuration, it seems no items are equipped with your account. So I think all of them are properly deleted.

However if this issue is still same, please try to delete .db files found under the installation directory of Mudfish (normally it’s at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN\):

  • .conf.db
  • .cache.db
  • .snapshot.db

@weongyo I have deleted my problematic item by downgrading to an older version of Mudfish (5.10.1). What happened is I added an item while on 5.10.1 then upgraded to the latest version 5.17.0 and was unable to access the item. I’ve upgraded back to the latest version and adding and deleting items seem to be working fine.

Oh, and I’ve encountered another problem when using WFP mode in Bombergirls. Should I make another topic? It seems using Full VPN mode, NAT Open, and WFP item mode doesn’t work with the game. It looks like Full VPN mode and NAT Open work, though. I’ve tested WFP item mode on browsers, and apparently, it works fine.

Good to hear that your issue is now solved. :slight_smile:

Yes if possible because it’s not easy to follow up when the topic becomes long.

If the game client doesn’t work properly when WFP Item mode is enabled, for most cases, the security module of the game client affects to this if I know correctly. But I’m not sure that this is a case.