PSO2NGS JP email verification


connection to pso2ngs is without problem, however each time on login, i need to input code i receive from email because of new location i access the account. Some other people don’t need to do this however.
it is minor inconvenience since email takes sometimes very long to arrive.

thank you

It seems it’s not easy to solve this issue you frequently change the mudfish node to another… However is this issue even same with a fixed mudfish node?

I connect to same node everyday and need to get verification

My friend used Google 5 node and she doesn’t need to get verification
I have tried to switching to said node as well but i have to verify

:frowning: Not easy to explain why… Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

I tried with full vpn mode on same node Tokyo Sakuranet 4. It’s same story, it requires verification through email.

Then no luck at this case. I have no idea how internally it’s working for the verficiation step… :frowning: Sorry for my poor technical support.

Turns out it wasn’t even mudfish fault but mine
my device had randomized MAC adress enabled in windows settings each time it boots.
I disabled that and so far i was able to connect to game without verification.
major fault was me not having wifi settings due to missing drivers for mobo. :smiley:
I will let know here if it actually helped since i will have to wait for next day to see if it actually had any effect but for now i am pretty positive it was that.

Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems. I need to note your symptom at some where for other people.