Refund request U-4B5868039X304051P

Can you please handle the refund request Paypal transaction ID U-4B5868039X304051P.

As described pr. e-mail this was a Send Money request which should have been a Refund Request for the previous transaction.

I have sent multiple reminders in Paypal over the last month as well as e-mails with no response.

Are you sure that your paypal transaction ID is U-4B5868039X304051P? When I checked it, I cant’ find it.

Please double check the email receipt from Paypal to know the exact transaction ID.

The transaction ID of the Refund Request I need you to handle is: U-4B5868039X304051P
I sent a new reminder just now so you should see that in your Paypal e-mail.

The transaction ID of the payment which was sent wrongly to you which needs to be refunded is: 7B398236C1577113R

@jammeista Found your transaction and now refunded it. Please check it again and let me know if there’s something I missed.

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