Requesting new nodes in AWS Thailand

AWS just announced the general availability of the Thailand region (ap-southeast-7) Announcing the new AWS Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region | AWS News Blog

Since Mudfish already have AWS nodes, and many games are running in AWS it will be useful for Thai people to connect to a local node and double hop on AWS’ private network to exit location near the game servers.

No problem. I just deployed two TH nodes; TH Asia (Bangkok - Amazon EC2) and TH Asia (Bangkok - Amazon EC2 2).

When you get a chance, please test it.

Wow, fast setup. Thank you.

Let’s do some testing:

Path of Exile 2 (Gateway Singapore)

  • Without Mudfish
  • WFP + FastConnect + Multipath TH Amazon EC2 - SG Amazon EC2

Running around in the town: ping is similar, but it is more stable. Usually PoE2 plays better without VPN, but during peak time ping can go to 5000ms-10000ms without VPN across several ISP.

Diablo 4

  • Solo Killing Varshan without Mudfish: 119msec
  • Solo Killing Varshan with TH Amazon EC2 - TW Google 1: 151msec
  • Solo Killing Varshan with TH Amazon EC2 - KR Amazon EC2: ~170msec
  • Killing world boss with TH Amazon EC2 - KR Amazon EC2 3: ~185msec. (Since these spawn every 4 hours there can’t be comparison)

Seems like the Diablo 4 server is not in South Korea, so forcing KR making it go a lot slower. It’s not in Singapore either since the latency is high. Taiwan might be a good guess but still worse than direct. Nonetheless it may be useful as at times some ISP get unplayable ping (as in the game don’t allow you to login).

I wonder if the TH region doesn’t have the best connectivity or maybe perhaps even go through Singapore transit.