seriously can't figure out how

seriously can’t figure out how to work this shit

im constantly getting 300 ping with the vpn on while wtfast gets me a nice 120-140 ping, problem is it crashes the game a lot so id rather use this but my pign is NEVER decent, help me out here plz

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

ah i forgot to update this, it SEEMS it’s now working after a ton of experimenting with settings.

it required me running it in full vpn mode tho, and thats fine by me, the $ to gb ratio makes it not so annoying

Are you meaning that with Full VPN mode enabled it works fine? Please confirm this for me. I need to trace what your problem is to help you more.

Lol i was wrong, it actually wasn’t working T-T i just waned to believe it was so badly i never properly checked with/without the vpn but i was pvping last night and my delay was so bad in pvp i had to actually check and now i realize it’s not working at all with full vpn on lol, ill do the thing you suggested previously after i try it again without full vpn mode and get back to you

ok i decided to try the basic functionality test and it says everything should be working fine. gonna disable it and try playing without full vpn mode to see what happens.

hey what game are you playing maybe i can help


Here is all the information i can provide, i changed the default settings of the “program” to use TCP connection (because thats what i see when i enter my resource monitors network tab). I may have changed a few other things that idk how to change back or what they were lol. As for information pertaining to the connections, in FULL VPN MODE, within resource monitor and using a custom node my ping with MUDFISH was saying 100-150 but my game shows no ping information within the resource monitor, i have a friend who introduced me to mudfish that says his ping is shown by the game in the resource monitor network tab but thats not the same for me. when i have full vpn mode DISABLED my ping with mudfish within resource monitor is about 200-300, it jumps around but within the game itself there is no different with my delay (which normally my resource monitor says i have anywhere from 300-500 ping with the game with mudfish off) so if i were to have 100-250 ping i’m sure there would be noticeable difference ingame.So from what i can tell, once i have mudfish enabled it doesn’t actually do anything except hide my games ping from the resource monitor and uses up my data lol

Alright i will try to guide you how i got mines to work lets start with setting up
1)Equip the game you want to play via Item>equip Item>select correct game
2)Equip some node via Setup>node, find out where BDO server is hosted and equip closes node to it.
3)Program>general>Use fast connection mode, Disable everything in full VPN.
4)Save all changes rellog
5)Dashboard> should see the game equiped, click on it to go into setup, scroll down to node section and choose basic mode and select a node.
-Done with setup-

From your desktop select Mudfish launcher and open file location so that you are in your program files directory, then select the Mudfish application from there and "Run as administrator"site should open for you to log in.
Make sure your game is turned on from your dash (little circle or x in the same box with your equipped game).
It should make a new network connection on your computer.
Launch your game and play(If you get problems to log in try another node)

Again this is my experience in getting it to work for my game (BnS) hope it helps you somewhat

I’ll try that in a minute (testing wtfast again atm), thanks for taking ur time to try and assist :slight_smile:

Can’t tell if it’s helping or not, resource monitor says mudfish is on 300 ping, but it’s a little more stable so better than without vpn i guess, it says bdo is on 0 ping tho but…/shrug idk i’m just gonna play with it for a bit and try testing different nodes again later while i wait for a reply from the tech, thanks again for the assistance!