Star Citizen mudfish Item not working

Hello :slight_smile: ,
I need help with starcitizen game item setup, i have been running mudfish for quite sometime & absolutely enjoying this great service & even made recommendations to friends, appreciate it much. So the issue seems to be mudfish not working when i use it on Australian servers for SC, but i havent tested it on anyother locations (EU, NA). I checked game server info and possibly knowing its located on sydney/nsw & hosted by google cloud engine. I can run full vpn mode & give data if required (unable to find game server ip), kindly let me know the steps needed to resolve this issue. ASAP

FYI: i have tried different nodes, still no luck. connecting from INDIA to AUS.

update: I tried to run packet dump (fast connection is off, full vpn mode on - followed documents listed) also getting error on game login. unable to find game dump option, is there any support discord for mudfish?!


Are you meaning that you tried to follow Packet Capture with Mudfish but it doesn’t work properly?

Weird… Please check How to check the basic functionality works fine or not first.

Unfortunately, no. We don’t support a technical support via Discord.

packet capture is not working, game launcher error “session expired” when tried, it logs me out. Basic/advanced functionality doesnt work for star citizen, but fine with other games. Please find attached screenshot below, error message while using full vpn mode.

can you please check if mudfish details for star citizen is updated, since im unable to record packet dump.

For this case, please check MUDEC_00262 error link for this case. It seems your MTU value 1450 is wrong.

I did the troubleshooting, now it connects but still the same issue vpn not working in starcitizen. can you check the item details are correct. I will attempt to perform game dump, usually it doesnt work for me.

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