Starting a mudfish subscription but didn't get any trial credit

Hi I am looking to start a subscription with mudfish for guild wars 2. I read that I would be given some credit when starting out like a ‘free trial’. So far I have not gotten any trial credit on my account. Thank you.

When I checked your account properly, it seems you already tried Mudfish. :slight_smile: I hope it went well for your case.

Please let me know if there’s any other questions or problems.

Yes I ended up simply adding credit to try it. However I ran into a lot of issues with which I sent in a support ticket. I am currently still waiting on a reply/resolution there.

I’d left my answer on another topic you created on the Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at link.

@weongyo Hey I replied there 3 days ago, not sure if you see the latest response?

There are no test credits in my account as well - please, check.

@Riko1313 Sorry for this inconvenience… I’d set a trial credit now for your account. :slight_smile: So I think you can use all mudfish nodes and features for a while. Please let me know if there are any problems or questions.

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