…Then I realized I don’t think I’d be able to do this because I cannot even start a match due to my high ping to the servers. Strinova has restricted cross-region connections to just <=200ms ping; any higher would be met with the room refusing to match. For reference (Imgur, click to see album or the rest of the images):
Let me try at least going to the match room then, if it’s sufficient enough…
FakeEdit: Man, I can barely be accepted in the San Francisco server one @w@;. 196ms ping.
This is me playing with a friend, FullVPN on the… which node was it… San Francisco, Digital Ocean to Strinova: San Franciso game server.

I’ve sent the pcap in an email as an attachment, because uploading of the pcap from within Mudfish went “Internal Error” or something. Hope the capture’s decent.
Email Subject: [Mudfish FullVPN Capture] Strinova game server: San Francisco
I’ll attempt on the other servers again if cross-region friend happens to be available. We are unable to connect to a cross-region match when solo; it has to be a room started by someone overseas.
Thank you in advance!