Sudden abnormal credit usage within the past couple days

Using Item-based, Pay by Traffic and only for FFXIV (Dest: Elemental/JP). Normally I only use a couple MBs, but for the past couple days (somehow related to the ongoing connection issues being reported by many SEA/OCE players) the traffic usage was in Gigabytes ???

I don’t stream and also doesn’t open any Square-Enix/CDN related content while playing and unfortunately already ran out of credits (it is even stated as MINUS) and no longer able to connect and thus enable Access Logs.

Can someone explain what is happening here or can I get a reimbursement or refund for those data traffic that I most definitely sure that I do not use them ???

One thing I can remember is that Mudfish gives me a lot of errors like MUDEC and other that I didn’t understand and remember (and usually only saw them after I’m done playing and about to close/disconnect the mudfish connection) and I wonder if that’s related, aside from the currently ongoing connection issues that many SEA/OCE-based players had trying to connect to FFXIV.

Please visit ‘Account → Edit profile’ menu to enable the Connection Log feature to see where your traffics were used.

At this moment I don’t know why because as default we’re not doing any kind of logging to trace your traffics for privacy protection. So after enabling it, you can see connection logs at ‘Status → Access Log’.

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Thank you for the reply, I previously did not know or realized about the connection/access log feature and only aware of it after reading some of the forum post but without any credits left I am unable to do anything about it.

The credits reimbursement is highly appreciated, thank you very much! I have enabled the Access/Connection Log feature and some other things like WFP and the like. I will also monitor the traffic usage while using it.

대단히 감사합니다 !

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