Support for BNS Neo EU Servers & Best Voucher Option


In three days, the BNS Neo Classic European servers will be launched. I saw on your website that Mudfish supports BNS Neo Classic, but currently, it only seems to support Blade & Soul NEO Classic Item: Asia (China, Shanghai) servers.

I have two questions:

  1. When the European servers launch in three days, will Mudfish support BNS Neo Classic European servers?
  2. Which voucher package should I purchase to get the lowest ping possible while playing?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Definitely but we need some game packets to update the game item. If possible, please check Packet Capture with Mudfish and send us a packet dump.

For this question, please check Data Plans link first. In a view of the network ping, no difference between the subscription voucher. Only the speed cap could affect your mudfish expereience.

Hello Mudfish Support,

Thank you for the information. I would be happy to provide the packet dump for your analysis. However, Iā€™d like to mention that at the moment, I am able to reach the character creation screen and select a server, but I am unable to enter the game itself.

If using Mudfish during the character selection screen will be helpful for capturing the necessary game packets, I can start the capture immediately. Please let me know if this is sufficient, or if you need further assistance.

Thank you for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

If you can enter the game with Full VPN enabled, please send us a packet dump. I think itā€™ll be more perfect if I can get the game server packets. :slight_smile:

iā€™ll try, how do i do that ? i mean i can go full vpn but how do i send packet dumps, thanks

ok done

Hi, please add Support for BNS Neo NA Servers too
The game just released yesterday

Thank you!

I have captured a 20 MB packet dump while connecting to the BNS Neo Classic Europe - Moonwater Plains server with Full VPN mode enabled. I have uploaded the file as requested. Let me know if you need a larger capture or any additional information.

still no update?

Please test this with ā€œBlade & Soul NEO Classicā€ game item again. And let me know if it doesnā€™t work properly.

Yesterday, I connected to BNS Neo using Mudfish. Instead of manually selecting the best server, I used the RTT Calculator on the dashboard to test the nodes with the lowest ping. Before using Mudfish, my ping was unstable, fluctuating between 50 ms and 90 ms.

After enabling Mudfish, I played the game for about 6 hours, and during this period, my ping remained stable at 35 ms. Occasionally, when changing maps or in certain situations, it briefly spiked to 40 ms, but it quickly returned to 35 ms. So far, I can say that the program is working quite well for me.

Additionally, I used to play Aion Online, which also had servers located in Germany. With Mudfish, I was able to achieve a stable 25 ms ping in Aion. Iā€™m not sure if that would be possible in this game as well.

By the way, during my tests yesterday, I used two different Mudfish nodes:

Linode2 and DigitalOcean.
Although Linode2 appeared to have a lower ping in the RTT Calculator, my in-game ping was around 40-45 ms.
DigitalOcean, on the other hand, provided a stable 35 ms ping.

I am connecting from Turkey, and I am very satisfied with my current experience. However, if thereā€™s anything I can do to further improve the experience or contribute to making the service more stable for other users, please let me know. Iā€™d be happy to help in any way I can.

Unrelated Issue:

I hope itā€™s okay to ask this under the same topic. If not, I apologize in advance.

I am unable to use the Advanced Mode or Multi Path Mode under the Node Configuration section. When I select either of these modes and click Connect, the process gets stuck at 10% and does not proceed.

However, when I use Basic Mode, the connection is established almost instantly. Basic Mode is sufficient for me at the moment, but I would like to try the other modes as well to see if I can improve my experience by testing different routing paths.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your help!

For this case, please visit ā€˜Setup ā†’ Nodesā€™ menu and clear your limitation for picking the mudfish nodes first. Then try to reproduce this issue again. I guess that there will be another warning / error popup when itā€™s stuck at 10%.

However if this issue is even still reproducible, please send us Problem Report when itā€™s reproduced.

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