현재 설정 구성중입니다…라는 문구만 계속뜨면서 10%에서 더이상 진행이안되네요…자체진단을해봐도 해결법이 안나와서 자세히 모르겠어요ㅜ
저기… 미꾸라지 관리자권한으로 실행하면 브라우저가 떠서 로그인하라고 하는데, 로그인 버튼 계속누르는데도 불구하고 계속 ‘로그아웃 되었습니다.’ 이 문구만 뜨네요. 이건 또 어떻게 해결해야하나요?
현재 설정 구성중입니다…라는 문구만 계속뜨면서 10%에서 더이상 진행이안되네요…자체진단을해봐도 해결법이 안나와서 자세히 모르겠어요ㅜ
혹시 설정 구성이 10% 에서 움직이지 않습니다. 섹션이 좀 더 도움이 될지 모르겠습니다만 한번 살펴봐 주세요.
> 저기… 미꾸라지 관리자권한으로 실행하면 브라우저가 떠서 로그인하라고 하는데, 로그인 버튼 계속누르는데도 불구하고 계속 ‘로그아웃 되었습니다.’ 이 문구만 뜨네요. 이건 또 어떻게 해결해야하나요?
이 문제라면 http://mudfish.net/docs/ko/vpn/firewall/index.html#id4 링크의 현상과 동일해 보입니다.
Sorry for this belated response. However please don’t send your technical problems by emails because it’s very easy for me to be missed. Here’s a best place to get help.
You said that How to check the basic functionality works fine, right? If then did you try to change Connection Protocols to TCP based too?
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, I checked basic functionality and it did say “Mudfish is working!” (Full-VPN mode, both UCP and TCP tested), yet it still does not work. One thing I noticed is I cannot open any website including google.com, youtube.com, etc, while in Full-VPN mode, even though it said that Mudfish is indeed working. I am doing this all while my firewall is off, so that is probably not it. I tried changing to TCP, with no success either. I have encountered two types of errors so far, which are MUDEC_00059 and MUDEC_00062 on separate events.
I understand this might be a unique problem, as I have read a blog of a person using the exact same internet provider as I am, yet being able to use mudfish very simply with just the basic setup. Is there any other information I can provide you with so you can work on a solution?
And for additional information, I planned to use Mudfish with pay-per-use, but for testing purposes, I switched to subscription, but once everything is sorted out I would be grateful if it is possible to switch back to Pay-per-use mode.
Thank you very much for your time.
Weird… Which DNS servers are you using? When Mudfish is working, did you try to send a ping to IP (Google DNS server)? Is it working fine?
Ok, so I could access Google and all other websites no problem with Full-VPN mode on (in UDP). Sent a ping to Google, worked too. Still unable to play Dota 2 though. I think I’m giving up and am gonna switch internet provider instead, thanks for all the replies, and if there are any upcoming solutions, or other people with similar problems in the future please keep me notified. Thank you very much
Still unable to play Dota 2 though.
Okay no problem. Very weird for this case though I’m not sure it’s related with MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) issue.
As a final request is it possible you cancel my Dota 2 subscription, and turn my Data Plan to Pay per use? Maybe it works there.
No problem. I’d changed it and refunded the item too. Please check and let me know if there’s something wrong.