문화상품권으로 결제를 할려고 충전후 결제버튼을 눌렀는데

문화상품권으로 결제를 할려고 충전후 결제버튼을 눌렀는데 자꾸 비밀번호 아이디가 틀리다고 합니다 컬쳐랜드로 들어갔을때는 로그인 잘되는데 여기서 결제하면 자꾸 아이디비번이 틀리다고 나오네요   

음… 글쎄요…  혹시 비밀번호에 특수 문자가 섞여 있는 형태인가요?  해당 이슈가 인코딩의 이슈인지 확인이 필요해 보입니다. ㅠ.ㅠ  불편을 드려 죄송합니다.  

네 비밀번호에 특수문자가 섞여있습니다. 혹시 특수문자가 있으면 안돼나요?

보통은 안되는 것은 아닐텐데요, 혹시 ’ 문자나 " 문자를 포함하고 계신지 여쭈어 봐도 될까요? ㅜ.ㅜ  

느낌표 같은거 하나있습니다.

i also order via google play gift card, but the balance still 0.01$? why its took so long


almost 24hrs no reply?

its been 2 days, i still waiting

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hi can u check my payment? i already sent btc to your address

When I checked your transaction, PG (Payment Gateway)'s status was “Insufficient amount”. So I think you sent a incorrect amount of BTC. But I’d topped it manually for you.

And for Google Play transaction, I’d topped it too. Please check it again.

im sorry i dont know about priority answet thx for your help