종량제라고 나오는데 왜 한달구매는 안되죠??

종량제라고 나오는데 왜 한달구매는 안되죠??


Thank you for sending this packet dump. However could you please tell me this game server name? Or the homepage for this game server?

http://shandongaida.com here

pls let me know if sdgo private already official in mudfish, looking forward to it

any info?

we are usually ping www.shandongaida.com.w.kunlungr.com

when I try to make create custom its always not working

and im try to do packet dump, the ip different from yesterday packet

Recently I’d updated the game item. :slight_smile: Please test with http://mudfish.net/admin/item/buy/130 game item when you get a chance.

the game run so smooth, thx you so much

Additional information

Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish