아이템 프리스타일 풋볼에 서버중 남미서버가 없습니다

아이템 프리스타일 풋볼에 서버중 남미서버가 없습니다

혹시 가능하시다면 Full VPN 모드 로 게임을 하시는 동안 잠깐 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프 를 하여 보내주세요.

제가 컴을 잘몰라서 일단 올리긴 했는데 재데로 된건지 몰겠습니가 ㅜ
그리고 사실 미꾸라지 ip로 게임중인건지도 잘 모르겠습니다 ㅜㅠ
윈도우 10 사용중인데 미꾸라지를 키고 네트워크 설정창을열면 원래 기존에 쓰고있는 네트워크와 private 네트워크가 동시에있는데 적용아 된건지…

네 상태창에는 아무이상 없이 다 잘되어있습니다

If you’ve already tried to reset TCP/IP with

to solve MUDEC_00281 then please check Firewall Issues - Mudfish Master Server or Anti-Virus settings.

Even you’ll get the same issue, please let us know the contents at
level WARN or ERROR in Dashboard -> Status ->

90.21 httpd http[ 7] | User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.3690.21 httpd http[ 8] | Referer: httpd http[ 9] | Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br90.21 httpd http[10] | Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.990.21 httpd http[11] | Cookie: session=.eJxtj0FPwzAMhf-Lz2NaYUJTThw4c5l2jrzU7SI5TuUklQriv-MipgHa0e_zs9_7AD-RJhSSCq5qow1gqHHGSj24zqZ-RgnU-5R7ArczhSMWT4Jn_i20aIYHc1DCyODgvZ27LByFXha85LwNOcEGhsY8T3K7xyijrZP409E453GMq2JIyB7_GJQGpXIBNyAXust8WTNcfWIPQpbB33VOmkdTK2r9C7T-359w8aGpkoTFgp6Orxbzu-7Tc3foHm0opILJ-kB8Q8nG571fVYvz-QXDPXt7.Dxhh2A.d1EM2paynOYVD68YglnH2t8MA6c[STDERR] recv(2) error: read 80 (expected 128)

What’s weird about this is because when I first used it (after installation), it worked. Unfortunately, the next day, it’s not working anymore.

This is the result when i add ‘-t’ on below target:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN\mudrun.exe” -t

3156.14 httpd http[ 0] | GET

3156.14 httpd http[ 1] | /do/status/process/mudrun

3156.14 httpd http[ 2] | HTTP/1.1

3156.14 httpd http[ 3] | Host:

3156.14 httpd http[ 4] | Connection: keep-alive

3156.14 httpd http[ 5] | Accept: /

3156.14 httpd http[ 6] | X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

3156.14 httpd http[ 7] | User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36

3156.14 httpd http[ 8] | Referer:

3156.14 httpd http[ 9] | Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

3156.14 httpd http[10] | Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9

3156.14 httpd http[11] | Cookie: session=.eJxtj0FPwzAMhf-Lz2NaYUJTThw4c5l2jrzU7SI5TuUklQriv-MipgHa0e_zs9_7AD-RJhSSCq5qow1gqHHGSj24zqZ-RgnU-5R7ArczhSMWT4Jn_i20aIYHc1DCyODgvZ27LByFXha85LwNOcEGhsY8T3K7xyijrZP409E453GMq2JIyB7_GJQGpXIBNyAXust8WTNcfWIPQpbB33VOmkdTK2r9C7T-359w8aGpkoTFgp6Orxbzu-7Tc3foHm0opILJ-kB8Q8nG571fVYvz-QXDPXt7.DxjI-Q.EWCrW7BBIkyVZSiLa4bJALrN_yE

recv(2) error: read 28 (expected 128)

My previous error was like this before adding -t or -O

90.21 httpd http[ 7] | User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.3690.21 httpd http[ 8] | Referer: httpd http[ 9] | Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br90.21 httpd http[10] | Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.990.21 httpd http[11] | Cookie: session=.eJxtj0FPwzAMhf-Lz2NaYUJTThw4c5l2jrzU7SI5TuUklQriv-MipgHa0e_zs9_7AD-RJhSSCq5qow1gqHHGSj24zqZ-RgnU-5R7ArczhSMWT4Jn_i20aIYHc1DCyODgvZ27LByFXha85LwNOcEGhsY8T3K7xyijrZP409E453GMq2JIyB7_GJQGpXIBNyAXust8WTNcfWIPQpbB33VOmkdTK2r9C7T-359w8aGpkoTFgp6Orxbzu-7Tc3foHm0opILJ-kB8Q8nG571fVYvz-QXDPXt7.Dxhh2A.d1EM2paynOYVD68YglnH2t8MA6c

[STDERR] recv(2) error: read 80 (expected 128)

So, im assuming that this is related to my network config.

Please try to change your node


Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.

Please take a look at


It’s recommended connect through over Hong Kong or Taiwan servers for
bypass the Great Firewall then you can try to combinate with Mudfish DNS
but as you know we have barely methods to
connect to China as poor nodes so
if you doubt the Great Firewall I think there’s no many options for
stabilize your RTT.

Weird… recv(2) error: read 80 (expected 128) means that your desktop performs ‘short-read’ for operations. If you have other desktop you can try to test whether it’s even same too.

Hi, thanks for the replies, I already figured out the problem. It is caused by run as admin on ‘compatibility mode’ only and not the run as admin itself. sorry for the trouble.

Thank you for let us know the information.

Please set your Connection Protocols to UDP to play Overwatch