설정 하다가 정액제에서 종량제로 잘못 누르고 적용 눌렀

설정 하다가 정액제에서 종량제로 잘못 누르고 적용 눌렀는데
다시 변경 불가하나요. 정액제 아이템 구매했는데 정액제로
바꾸려면 한달 기다리여 한다는데 변경되나요 ㅠㅠ

처리해 드렸습니다. :slight_smile: 확인해보시고 문제가 있으시면 언제든지 답글 부탁드립니다.


Then try to turn off FastConnect mode and change your Connection Protocol

Thank you. It work for now. but when will fast connect be fixed for Blade and soul? Problem on full VPN is all internet traffic goes to mudfish which I do not want.

  1. If it would only worked for Full VPN mode then the Blade & Soul needed to update its information as Unsupported Games workaround method.image

  2. It may FastConnect mode interfere your UDP connection. That mode is for TCP, not UDP.

I uploaded a packet capture for Blade & soul and I don’t seem to see it in the forums. Can you confirm it has been uploaded. Thank you.

We’re sorry but couldn’t find the packet dump so please try Advanced
if you still getting problem or send the pcap file in C:\Program Files\Mudfish Cloud VPN\ to support@loxch.com



Sent the file to support@loxch.com. Thank you for the quick reply. :slight_smile:

Thank you for sending the packet dump. However could you please confirm that it works properly with Full VPN mode? When I checked the packet dump, I can’t see new game packets not registered at Mudfish. :frowning:

yes it works. I’ll create a new one again today to be sure.

Is it ok to start the packet dump when I am already logged in the game? Because that’s how I do it. I start mudfish, turn on full VPN, log in the game, then that’s the only time I start packet dump. Is that way correct?

I just uploaded the packet. Let me know if it didn’t push through and I will email it.


Is it ok to start the packet dump when I am already logged in the game?

Yes. I think it should work too.

I just uploaded the packet. Let me know if it didn’t push through and I will email it.

Weird… Please send me it to support@loxch.com email address. It seems it failed to upload it. :frowning: I need to investigate this issue little bit more why UI shows it’s successfull. Sorry for this inconvenience…

Just sent the email. Let me know if there’s an issue with the packet dump.

I think making your own Custom Item may can help to fulfill what you want

Create Custom Item

  1. Take a look and find the daemon process what you want to apply Mudfish in Status → Memory image

  2. Then create a Custom Item as input the process name like
