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통과한 뒤 SoftEther로 로그인까지 우회한 다음 종료하고 Full
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Mudfish Credit will consumed for downloading/updating or patching a game client.
Also, credit calculation may be delayed around 30 minutes to 2 hours so you may belated notice that.
Status - Traffic
Accounts - Traffic Usage
Status - Access Log
Accounts - Access Log
First of all, I didn’t update the game client by using mudfish. My game (blade and soul) updated to the latest version. Then I opened your vpn mudfish. So I connect to VPN and log on the game then play for 2-3 hours. During that time, I also watched the stream on the website I post early. It happened twice to me. When I watch that website, it goes through your VPN instead of my internet. That’s why The data are gone. So, I assume, mudfish detect that website, then go through mudfish. Because it normally only use 400-500mb per day. But yesterday it shows me like 8GB. Please, please fix it.
Sorry for this belated response. I’d reset your mudfish credit little bit. However I need to investigate this issue little bit more because it looks like that it’s abnormal when I checked your traffic usage. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Hi. Thanks for reset my mudfish credit little bit!
If you can check April 7-10th, there was also one abnormal traffic usage. I didnt send a ticket on April cause I thought it might be something I messed up.
But there was one common thing that I watched that “huya.com/xiaoxincheng” or “huya.com”.
It only caused the problem as abnormal traffic usage to that website. I can watch youtube, twitch, other online website videos for no abnormal usage.
I don’t know the internet well. But in this case, I hope your technique professional guy can track/fix it. It might be mudfish thought that website is another blade and soul client or something else. Maybe you can also test it by open mudfish and add blade and soul, and just watch random streams on that website. If it causes traffic usage, then it may easy for you guys fix this issue.
I think the huya.com’s one of IP Address that
conflicts to the game.
This shows China Telecom(Chinanet) located in Guangdong province.
Hi. So is there a way to fix this issue? I have no idea why it conflicts to the game.
In Subscription Plan, it is just
credit-fixed for 1 month but speed
limited as 1
Mbps except for first 3 seconds. Most Mudfish items are available at $
0.88 for 1 month
It uses $ 0.029 day by day.
mudfish.net/forums/6/topics/47855 -
You can try to Create Custom
as refer Unsupported
Take a look and find the daemon process what you want to apply
Mudfish in Status → Memory
Then create a Custom Item as input the process name
Thanks for telling me that SU only cost 0.88/mo. It is really helpful
Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.