제가 이거 이용한지 좀 오래되서 사용법을 까먹었는데 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다
사용법의 경우, 많은 문서들이 있는데요, 우선 http://mudfish.net/docs/ko_quickstart.html 를 보시면 대략적인 v4 버전이 어떻게 돌아가는지 확인하실 수 있습니다. 그 후에 http://mudfish.net/docs/ 와 http://wiki.mudfish.net 에 방문하시면 여러 경우에 대한 문서들이 있으니 참조 바랍니다.
처리해 드렸습니다.
No problem. If there’re other issues to play with mudfish, please let me know.
It’s very dependent which IP for Teamspeak or Discord is used. If P2P based protocol is used, I don’t think mudfish handle it properly. However if it uses dedicated IP address for server, you can try to Create Custom Item yourself.
I hope this issue is fixed now. If not please let me know again.
Could you please test it again? I found some CDN related domain and had added it now.
didn’t work, i have no more ideas of what can be.
Could you please send a packet dump again then? However are you meaning you encounter this issue if you execute Bless Online Launcher? Is there any warning or error message from Launcher?
I did a packet dump using Mudfish without Full VPN Mode and I got this error below:
I will do another packet dump using TCP Full VPN Mode, since this is the only way Mudfish works for me.
I’d updated it again. Please test it again.