wops, my question is how can i unsubscribe the item?

I try to test dmm.com the item for dmm pc version. But actually it wont work. The dmm pc version only works when i switch to mudfish full vpn mode.

So for now :

  1. Does it possbile to refund the item as dmm.com website item and cancel the subscribe? I have no idea where I can cancel it.
  2. How is full vpn mode work? Does it only need equip one item such as I equip blade and soul, then I can use full vpn mode for everything?

Thank you

  1. No problem. :-) I'd refunded it into your credit. Please check and let me know if there's something wrong.
  2. Full VPN mode works system-wide. In Subscription, it won't charge extra Mudfish Credit, just needed to equip 1+ item(s).