참나 좆같은 미꾸라지 안쓰겠습니다^^ 좆나 핑이 올라가네여 에미뒤진핑이 ^^
느금마다 씨발련아 뭔데 지랄이냐 시비처걸고 병신새끼가 내가 니한테 시비걸었냐 시발련아
ㅋㅋ 저 둘 중에 미꾸라지가 있나?
핑높아지는게 마음에안들어 친히 서버업그레이드비용을 지불하시겠다는 글쓴이… 감동했습니다
중국인데 인터넷이 이상한건지 저녁때까지는 ,., 힘들고 새벽은 괜찮네요
Thank you for your response.
After selecting a specific node it worked, and I see the real time traffic updating. I guess I thought the problem was more technical. lol I should have read instructions more closely.
Thank you very much for your help. I’m very excited for the benefits this will provide to my ffxiv gameplay
Good to hear that Mudfish is helpful for your case. If there are other issues with Mudfish, please let me know.
패킷 덤프를 보내주셔서 정말 감사합니다. ㅠ.ㅠ 다만 글쎄요. 현재 이 패킷 내용을 봐서는 특별히 추가된 IP 는 확인이 되지 않습니다. 흑흑흑…
- Some items in Mudfish has conflict with services on AWS like twitch so they would affected by your network access even without Full VPN mode.
- Mudfish Credit will consumed for downloading/updating or patching a game client. Also, credit calculation may be delayed around 30 minutes to 2 hours so you may belated notice that.
Status - Traffic
Accounts - Traffic Usage
Status - Access Log
Accounts - Access Log
Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish CDN and Mudfish With the real-time traffic