미꾸라지를 키고 마영전 사이트에서 로그인을 하려고 하면 계속 로그인중에서 멈춰버리네요. 프리징 되는순간 모든 인터넷 연결이 잠깐 죽어버리는것 같아요. 왜 이러는거죠?
full vpn 하고 안하고 둘다 똑같은 현상 일어나구요 중계 서버 바꿔도 똑같습니다
First of all, I’d like to say that, this is the first VPN I’ve come across which sells itself by data traffic. Most popular VPNs today sell by time. 1 month 3 month etc. And I like what you’re doing. Massively. There’s always a but, if you’re doing good, no one says anything.
Thank you for interesting to Mudfish though I’m not sure where you hear about Mudfish.![]()
> I’m currently playing Warcraft. Since I’m playing from Singapore, I use the Oceanic Servers = Sydney, Australia.
Without VPN 114-117. With VPN 114-115, sometimes no difference.
So i thought maybe, it’s too near not much server hop improvement to do. So I tried logging into US Central servers. Normal ping and VPN = same, actually most of the servers I tried ended up giving me higher ping. I tried Singapore Mudfish Node then tried Chicago Node, then tried chaining singapore - chicago, still no improvement.
Also your RTT keeps showing 150-170ms for Oceanic, so it’s definitely pinging a wrong location.
First we should make sure that the game item is working correctly for Oceanic and other US central servers because you’re not using Full VPN mode. Specially for Oceanic servers, I didn’t update the game item recently due to lack of game server information. When I checked it again, it seems RTT checking for oceanic server of WoW item is wrong because it checks against to US West server. If you get a chance, you can send me the game server information using Packet Capture with Mudfish then I can update the game item after analyzing. Sorry for this inconsistency.
> I tried Mudfish on Blade and Soul. Peak hours in GMT+8, 5-10ms improvement. Only very early morning around 4-7am I get 30ms improvement. Still too laggy no Blade and Soul for me. Battle Ping managed to bring it down from 240+ to 200-210ms.
You tried to play Blade and Soul with FastConnect mode, right? I’m not sure you tried to use “US Central (Dallas, TX - HudsonValley)” node because according to mudfish logs, it shows RTT between your desktop and node is around 215 ms.![]()
> You have a great service model, and I’m sure if your servers could at least match other popular VPNs in performance, Mudfish will be everyone’s VPN soon. This is just feedback. For now, I’ve stopped using the credits, I’m waiting for Black Desert NA to release so I can test out the ping to see if there’s any improvement.
Sure and thank you very much for your feedback.And I’ll continually try to expand our network infra-structures for better latency though Mudfish is still a very tiny program and server.
> The RTT score charts also don’t seem to be very accurate. Currently using full vpn to ping through cmd and it is showing much better numbers compared to your RTT chart. No wonder the RTT chart keeps recommending basic and can’t find a chain configuration to be better.
Score isn’t RTT value so you should not be confused with it because the score represents a logical value (normally sum of RTT avg + RTT std from each RTT areas). And I’m developing more smart RTT notification system at this moment because current RTT system isn’t enough for user’s needs and doesn’t work properly with large no. of nodes. I think you can get a better result when it’s officially released.![]()
Thank you for your feedback. I’ll look for nodes at San Jose. It’ll not take much times to deploy it.
Was anything changed between now 20 hours ago? I was able to use Mudfish item equip for Black Desert NA to bypass region block.
At the moment I need to use Full VPN otherwise I’m region locked.
Resolved on its own for some reason.
Okay, will try it when I get a chance. Thanks. The reason why I didn’t suspect a submarine issue is because San Francisco remained the same.
I play WoW regularly and the submarine cable to Australia (oceanic) frequently has such issues.
Then it’s more related with routing change of ISP peering due to costs or other things. With tool’s result, it can see more details which hops has this issue.
Pingplotter values to US west mudfish nodes are normal.
The RTT values on mudfish UI seems bugged.
Switching to Full VPN ‘seems’ to have solved the dc issues.
어라 풀vpn으로 실행해주고 껏다가 다시 실행하니까 되네요… 귀신이 곡할노릇이네 어제는 하루종일 해봐도 안됫는데
네트워크설정창에 뭔가바뀐거 같기도하고…
안녕하세요. waseda79 님, 제가 이렇게 임의로 글을 만들어 죄송합니다. ㅠ.ㅠ 혹시 미꾸라지 공유기 환불하신 분 맞으신지 모르겠습니다만 이길 바랍니다.
제가 오늘 환불 처리를 모두 해드린 후 제품의 이상 여부나 원인을 분석하고자 공유기 관리자 페이지에 접속을 하려고 하였는데 불행하게도 암호가 걸려 있어서 원인 분석을 해보지 못하고 있습니다. SSH 또한 접속이 안되는 것으로 보아 직접 disable 하신 것이 아닌가 싶은데요, 혹시 누가 되지 않는다면 Luci 인터페이스 (미꾸라지 공유기 관리자 페이지) 의 root 암호를 알려주실 수 있으신지요?
혹시 개인정보 보호 부분이 걸리신다면 이 글은 비밀글이라 저만 볼 수 있습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ 저도 접속 후 잊어 버리겠습니다. 약속 드립니다. 흑흑흑…
When I checked this problem report, it seems mudfish.exe process isn’t running. Please try to visit http://accounts.en.loxch.com/ URL and change your password to simple one. Then try to test it again. At this moment I don’t know why mudfish.exe failed to run but it should be crashed or caused by other issues.