010-9178-9183 2000원 결제만들어가고 크레딧 충전 되지 않습니다

23:32분에 한번 23:40분에 한번 1000씩 결제햿습니다.

ㅠ.ㅠ 3 번 결제된 것을 확인하였고 그에 맞는 크레딧 + 추가 크레딧을 넣어 드렸습니다. 혹시 결제중 취소 원하시는 것이 있다면 알려주세요.

The game is rf-online

It is the top private server


Ok I will call my ISP in the morning to see what’s going on. The link doesn’t work for me error page.

Oops. Are you still seeing a error message when you visit http://mudfish.net/admin/user/rtt_map link? If then, please let me know though I’d fixed some UI issues today.

http://mudfish.net/admin/user/rtt_map” connects to default domain "http://mudfish.net/"
I spoke to ISP but like usual they always say there is nothing they can do. I do believe your service helps routing issue from around 30-50ms so I will continue to use.

:slight_smile: Good to here that it’s helpful. However please note that its information are only fore referencing so sometimes it leads a wrong routing path.

If there are any issues, please let me know.

As you know, IP is US Central (Dallas, TX - Secure Dragon) node. And according to our monitoring logs, unfortunately yes there was multiple network issue on that node. But I’m not sure its time was overlapped with your issue. Is it still same?

:-) 패킷 덤프 보내주셔서 정말 감사합니다.  혹시 다시 한번 아이템만으로 시도해 보시겠어요? 보내주신 덤프를 기반으로 아이템을 업데이트해 보았습니다.  

Not sure how to set this up?, it asia server

I think easiest way to set it up with Mudfish is Full VPN mode.  Please try to use it first with changing mudfish nodes until you found a node which is useful.  

제가 옮겨 드렸습니다. 다만 사용하시는 운영체제에서 확인이 되실지 그게 조금 의문입니다. ㅠ.ㅠ

그리고 이전에 결제하신 내역들에 대해서는 그 동안 신용카드 결제 심사가 있어서 크레딧이 충전 후 결제가 자동 취소되셨을 것인데요, 이 부분에 대해서는 제가 크레딧 조정을 9,990 원으로 강제(?) 조정을 하였습니다. :slight_smile: 혹시 결제 중 자동 취소가 되지 않은 부분은 저에게 말씀해 주세요. 제가 PG 사에 연락하여 알아 보겠습니다.

Weird… Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?

Hi Loxch, thanks for reply, I actually could access the US server if I choose advanced mode and select 2 mudfish nodes, but this will highly increase the RTT; the system shows I have about 150ms RTT but in the game I have about 280ms.

I checked that my FULL VPN mode is off, if I turn this on could I fix my question? that I could simply use basic mode and enter the US server (with a normal RTT 150ms) ?

Hi Loxch, thanks for reply, I actually could access the US server if I
choose advanced mode and select 2 mudfish nodes, but this will highly
increase the RTT; the system shows I have about 150ms RTT but in the
game I have about 280ms.

I don’t recommend to use the advanced node mode rather than the basic mode. When you get a chance, please test with the basic node mode first.

that I could simply use basic mode and enter the US server (with a normal RTT 150ms) ?

Yes you should enter the US game server with the basic node mode too.

I cannot use the basic mode to enter US server…none of them work… (HK and Taiwan mainly), it didn’t switch to US server…

Very weird… Just for testing purpose, could you please test with TCP based protocol by changing Connection Protocols?

:-) Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.

Now is working properly thanks