제목 없음

모르고 계좌 이체 결제를 두번 신청했네요;;

:slight_smile: '직접 계좌 이체’를 말씀하시는 것이라면 제가 수동으로 처리하는 것이기 때문에 개념치 않으셔도 됩니다.

seems like my credit balance has not been increased yet, can you let me know when the process of refund is done?

It’s done yesterday. According to your history, at 03/24/2016 your credit balance was $1.15 AUD and at that moment you only had FFIV game item equipped. And it looks after equipping ToS game item it dropped to $0.02 AUD and recovered to $1.02 AUD after refund. :slight_smile:

If my calculation is wrong, please let me know.

No problem. :slight_smile: If there are any issues to use mudfish, please let me know.

음… 이상하군요… 혹시 해당 증상이 미꾸라지 프로그램을 완전히 종료하신 후에도 여전히 10% 진행에서 멈추시는지요?  그리고 이 문제점 보고서를 보내셨을 때 해당 증상이 나타난 후 문제점 보고서 제출을 하셨는지요?  현재 이 보고서를 보면 중간에 아이템 설정을 변경하신 내역이 없어 보입니다.  Core 프로세스 입장에서는 먼가 설정이 변경되었다는 신호를 받지 않을 것으로 나옵니다.  
제 쪽에서 테스트를 해보면 특별히 이상한 부분은 없어 보입니다.   

Thank you for sending this problem report. :slight_smile: However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.

can u guys do a vip traffic or service me and my friends are ready to pay way more money to get better ping cuz middle east have really bad ping

We’re not offering VIP traffic for middle east at this moment because we don’t have enough nodes around there. :frowning: I’ll try to lease more locations.

at leaset close to us from eu thats will be enough

i want to buy the vip traffic how even if not for middle east

i already found better app thanks for the fast response -_-

I hope your experience with other apps goes well. I missed your comments for too long time because your topic was bumped due to new comments after creating a topic.