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그거 불법이라 님 감방이나 벌금물어요;; 글내리세요

Thank you for this information. :slight_smile: I’d updated the game item. Could you please test it again?

Thank you for this packet dump. Please test it again without Full VPN mode and let me know if it’s working for you.

Yes, it’s working , even better, thanks loxch

Thank you for your packet dump first. :slight_smile: It was really helpful.

Please try to downgrade to v4.3.17 found at http://mudfish.net/releases/ link whether it’s solved. If it’s still same, please send me game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish again for me. I’ll try to update the game item.

According to your history, I can see the following error message:         
[61.198036] [ERROR] MUDEC_00045: The client doesn’t response with DHCP protocol          
Did you try to do workarounds to fix this auto configuration issue?  Is it still same after / before Full VPN mode?           

Well, I tried to restart mudfish several times, but it took too long and my patience have limit :p, I only tested it about 1’-2’ ingame and feel the lag real hard then i just switched back to Full VPN mode.
BTW, when i change my node or port, my adapter network (Ether or something , no idea how to describe this) changes name everytime, it’s now named " Network 105" <== is this still good , cuz it’s borthers me alot lol.

우선, 빠른 답변에 감사합니다.
금일 오후 14시 경에 충전된 내역을 통해 충전 금액을 확인했습니다.
4990을 충전을 1회 요청 후 입금 했는데 금액이 7990 이나 충전되었네요.
잘못충전된건지 지연으로 인한 서비스 충전 인지 명확하게 설명해 주지 않으셔서 혼란스럽네요. 확인 다시 부탁드립니다. 수고하세요.

It seems your issue is related with recent service outage of Mudfish (for details please check Service Outage Report - 20170217 link). Please let me know if your issue isn’t fixed yet.

ㅠ.ㅠ 먼가 hang 이 걸린 듯한 모양새입니다.  혹시 http://mudfish.net/releases/ 보시면 v4.4.3 (이전 버전)이 있는데요 혹시 해당 버전으로 시도를 해보시겠습니까?  

아… 저의 실수로 인한 것이라 마음 쓰신 것에 대한 보상(?)으로 받아주셨음 합니다. ㅠ.ㅠ 조금 더 넣은 것입니다. 흑흑흑…  

음… 우선 기본 동작 여부 확인를 해보시기 바랍니다.  이 부분이 제대로 되는지부터 검증이 필요해 보이네요.  간혹 네트워크 방화벽에 의해 차단되어 해당 이슈가 있는 경우가 있습니다.  

Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.

Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?
