대시 보드상의 포럼 글 정책 변경 안내
대시 보드에 접근시 표시되던 포럼 글의 기본 정책이 변경되었음을 알려드리고자 하는데요, 기존에는 최근 업데이트된 포럼글 5 개에 대한 정보가 보였다면 이제부터는 ‘자신이 작성한’ 글에 대해서만 보여주게 됩니다. 대시 보드는 보통 자신의 아이템, 크레딧, 설정 상태 등등을 보여주는 자리인데, 자신이 아닌 다른 사람이 쓴 글을 보여주는 것이 일관성을 해친다는 지적이 있어 왔습니다. 이에 업데이트이며, 다른 분들이 작성한 글을 보고자 한다면 여전히 ‘미꾸라지 포럼’ 링크 (http://mudfish.net/forums) 를 이용하시면 됩니다.
우와 정말 데단해~!
이번엔 사용중인 아이템에서 블소가 사라졌네요 ;;
겜좀 하고싶네요 ㅠ
와우 역시 대단한 미꾸라지!
장원용 이름으로 계좌 4990원 결제 했는데 언제쯤 되나요?
처리해 드렸습니다.
강대국 이름으로 2990원 입금햇습니다 처리점여
According to mudfish logs, I can see the following error messages:
[0.639036] [ERROR] Authentication with username ‘Lanalei’ failed.
[0.639036] [ERROR] Reason: Wrong username/password
[0.640037] [ERROR] Failed to authenticate
Did you try to change your password to simple one? I’m not sure why this ID/password happens.
Well I’m running Windows so I think it’s definitely something to do with Windows imho.
It’s default Window’s firewall lol…The problem is I’ve allowed Mudfish, Mudflow and Mudrun inbound access and outbound so I am really, really lost right now…I’ve spent the whole day yesterday and today just trying to solve this issue…
If Mudflow is handling RTT measurements against game server and mudfish nodes then I’m 99% sure something that isn’t supposed to be blocked or stopped is not running on my Windows…Other than that, I think there’s something wrong code wise in terms of associating with the Mudflow.exe.
I see this in my resource monitor (https://goo.gl/ABc93e), (https://goo.gl/2F8xL0)…You can see it’s grayed out and it disappears after awhile…But new lines, darker black color appear one by one.
Yeah, I’ll send you the report the next time I see a “reset” happening.
EDIT: I just successfully reported the issue. I hope this will get solved soon as I literally can’t play since I get “reset” every hour or so…
Ooops. At this problem report, you used Full VPN mode. Are you pointing that even with Full VPN mode, it still failed to download the file?
Did you try to use other mudfish nodes too? Is it same?
With Full VPN mode, your cost will be higher than before. However is it still an issue with game item because I got some feedbacks that it’s solved now?
If i use full VPN I don’t get any error, but if I use the normal want the pay per traffic, the game would be back to failed to download file again, and Im having the problem again from my last report before
It seems your game item configuration is with “Auto Selection” node mode. Please check Tree of Savior link and try to specify a mudfish node.
Picking a mudfish node for best result isn’t easy topic to answer because it’s very vary depending on user’s ISP and destination of game server. So please check FAQ - Nodes link to check how to pick a better (not best) mudfish node.
Sorry for same answer. :-( And please check http://mudfish.net/admin/user/rtt_map link too.
yes, but before with auto I’m getting less than a 100 ping in game. My speedtest for my internet is currently at 100mbps, it only happened the other day when I reported, IDK if others are having the same issue suddenly with mudfish
안녕하세요. 패킷 덤프 정말 감사합니다. 현재 이 패킷 덤프 상으로 나오는 대역은 모두 미꾸라지 워페이스 아이템에 의해 처리되고 있는 대역으로 확인이 됩니다. :-) 혹시 미꾸라지를 통한 접속에 문제가 있으시면 말씀해 주세요.
It’s refer to Unsupported Games document. If you send a game packet to us refer to Packet Capture with Mudfish link, we will add a new game item after analyze it.
If you don’t want to create new network profiles, please consider to use
option mentioned at MUDEC_00045 error link.
Thank you for sending this problem report. However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.
일단 크레딧 사용량에 대해서는 특별히 그래프를 표시하고 있지 않습니다. 다만 ‘상태 -> 트래픽’ 메뉴를 보시면 하루 하루 트래픽 사용량이 나오는데 해당 사용량을 기준으로 계산하시면 대략의 크레딧 사용량을 확인하실 수 있으실 것입니다.