제목 없음

어째서 미꾸라지만 접속하면 던파가 안들어가지지요??

우선 http://mudfish.net/forums/2/topics/7486 에 있는 답변을 확인해 주시겠어요? 여러 가지 문제가 있을 수 있을꺼라 판단이 되는데, 해당 부분은 하나씩 해결해 나가야 할 것으로 보이네요.

Sure.  I’d refunded it. :-)  

음… 혹시 어디로 문의하신 것인가요?  제가 로그를 살펴보면 마지막 포럼 문의가 2016 년 5 월 4 일로 나옵니다. ㅠ.ㅠ  
그리고 혹시 이 증상이 중계 서버를 FAQ-중계 서버 관련 문서 기반으로 변경하시면서 테스트를 하셔도 동일하게 나오시는지요?  이 문제를 근본적으로 알려면 결국에는 네트웍 분석을 해봐야 알지 않을까 싶네요.  

Thank you for sending the packet dump. However could you confirm that you enabled Full VPN mode while playing the game? When I checked this game dump, I can’t see game related traffics. :frowning: When you get a chance, please send me again.

i’ve uploaded the packet twice under the descriptions “Tales of Victoria maplestory private server” and something similar

ive captured the packets using vpn mode. https://imgur.com/a/QGnwSTK

I understand. However I don’t know why but I can’t find your another packet dump file. :frowning: Please send me again when you get a chance.

I uploaded again using Full VPN mode(also uploaded a picture saying upload completed). https://i.imgur.com/HuEF5Jk.png (TalesofVictoriaMaplestory) I’m sure i’ve done it correctly because my game was running smoothly with no lag when i’ve used full vpn mode. please help me xD i really want to use your service, it’s very good.

also is there another way to contact you? i’m sure there’s a better and faster way to resolve this problem.

i’ve also uploaded the packet using chrome. packetname: TalesofVictoriaMaplestory2

i’ve also uploaded the packet using chrome. packetname: TalesofVictoriaMaplestory2

Something is wrong because I can’t see your packet dump uploaded… :frowning: Could you please test it again? It seems something is wrong at Mudfish side…

don’t worry about it. i set up custom game for tales of victoria and it works. your vpn is amazing but tech support can use some help :frowning: it’s been 12 days and no progress :frowning:

Sorry for this belated response. :frowning: I should agree that our technical support is seriously slow…