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설정구성X 나오네욥
음… 혹시 설정 구성 창에 나오는 자가 진단를 해보셨는지요? 해당 메뉴에 오류가 있는지 확인 부탁드리겠습니다.
혹시 이건 유해사이트 뚫는용은 어찌설정하나요?
ㅠ.ㅠ 해당 ZA South Africa (Johannesburg - Host1plus) 중계 서버가 재부팅되어 발생된 이슈로 확인이 되고 있습니다. 현재는 해결이 되셨을 텐데요, 추후에 다시 발생되시면 아이템 중계 서버 설정을 변경하시면 됩니다.
it will start to work after the 1min of data loss and it wil spike to around 2million bits per second then the game will fast forward to the current time , but it wont DC me
This usually occus in a crowded area when killing bosses like maybe 20+ people at the same location
EDIT 1 : turned off FastConnect , no longer faced the 1min-2min of data loss and fastforward crap…seems to be something wrong with my fastconnect…
Had like 14hs of gaming without fast connect, felt terrible without it but no more temporarily loss in data …
I think turning on fastconnnect for blade and soul eats more data…that’s what I had seen from the graph, without it it was only 400-600k bits but fc on it can go to 2m bits with higher overhead shooting to 800k normally
Enabling FastConnect mode definitely consumes more data but I’m expecting that no more than 10% because it only appends other TCP headers. However from 400-600k to 800k is much more than what I expected. :-(
:-) I’d changed the data plan now. Please make sure that you should log out and sign in again to be applied properly. Also I’d reset your credit too. Please test it again and let me know if you still encounter same issue with pay-per-traffic plan.
:-( 10 ~ 20 seconds are also quite long time though I still not sure where this issue comes from. Did you try to use other mudfish nodes and get a same result?
ya used LA Crissic , LA quadnet , LA quadnet2 all having the same issues
but since QOL has improved, it dosent really affect me , although i too would like to find out why :P
문제점 보고서를 보내주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 혹시 미꾸라지를 사용하시는데 문제가 있으신지요? 그렇다면 조금만 부연해 주시면 제가 좀 더 도움을 드릴 수 있을 듯 합니다.
잘 작동합니다 항상 감사합니다^^