왜 갑자기 크레딧이 -로 표기되는거죠?;
음… 혹시 Full VPN 모드를 사용하셨거나, P2P 기반의 스트리밍 서비스 (예를 들어 아프리카 TV) 등을 시청하셨는지요? 우선은 접속 기록 살펴보기 링크를 참고하셔서 어디로 트래픽이 전달되었는지 확인이 중요할 것으로 보입니다.
어느순간 갑자기 없어져서 확인을 못하겠어요…ㅠㅠ
Is there any change for payer customer vs trial customer?
> Damn i cant play it anymore… DC all the time
According to your configuration, you’re using FastConnect mode with AU Oceania (Sydney - Equinix) node for game item? Is there any reason for that decision? Please check Riders of Icarus link first.
What configuration should i use?
This config just working fine before i make the payment.
What configuration should i use?
Please pick an other mudfish node rather than AU Oceania (Sydney - Vultr).
> This config just working fine before i make the payment.
Weird because you’re accessing North America game server via Austrailia from Malaysia. I don’t think using AU nodes help your symptom.
when i open mudfish my NET or any need NET game all broken
I have tried both options in the Firewall Issues and still have the same issue. There have also been no changes in the last 48 hours from my firewall side, which is when the issues suddenly started.