처리해 드렸습니다.
I see. Thank you for the helpful reply
음… 혹시 FAQ-중계 서버 관련 문서를 참조하셔서 중계 서버를 변경해 보시거나 혹은 추천 경로를 이용하여 시도를 하셔도 전혀 효과가 없다는 말씀이신가요? ㅠ.ㅠ 확인 부탁드립니다.
답변 감사드립니다.알려주신데로 점검해보도록 하겠습니다.
No problem. I’d refunded it now. Thank you for interesting to Mudfish!
- On the dashboard you will see real-time traffic.
- You can close browser after finished your configurations.
Thanks. I did some searching since posting the above. Wasn’t sure if the traffic was passing through Mudfish or not so went to full VPN node. Still not using much traffic at all, even when downloading large files / watching video, etc. I think I’ve done this right but still not 100%. Haven’t even spent $0.01 in traffic yet
Also what’s up with the ERROR: odr_sendto() failures? I’m getting these popping up about every 5-10min.
Please try to
- Run as administrator
enable Full VPN
mode -
use uppercase
option to change the Mudfish’s working method as refer
Firewall - Mudfish
consider reducing
MTU from
1450 -
How to reset TCP/IP by using the NetShell
Windows XP with SP3 and some Vista, 7 or 8 configurations — ‘Cannot
reach Sites’
mudfish.net/forums/6/topics/33571 -
consider to change MAC
- It’s related with MUDEC_00179